
Calm Your Font Chaos with Font management

If you use Fonts or you are an Adobe Creative this may interest you. Extensis Font management has never been this easy

The right fonts can bring your ideas to life. But juggling a growing collection of fonts can quickly turn into a burden. Ever since we launched our first font management solution in 1993, we’ve grown to serve a wide variety of creative teams all around the world. During that time, we’ve learned some surprising font facts.


How many fonts are we talking about?

Marketing and design teams maintain an average of 4500 fonts.

If you can’t quickly find the fonts you need, your productivity could suffer.


Which fonts are your favorites?

The design workforce has never been more mobile, with

many creative professionals identifying as independent freelancers. But there’s a risky downside

to this trend.


A out 50% of designers bring their personal fonts to new projects


And 59% of designers share fonts with each other.

These tactics can expose companies to font compliance liabilities.


When done right, font management can save you time, money, and energy.

Extensis font management solutions can calm your font chaos.



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