
Acumen Technologies has over 20 years in experience in helping companies and individuals with Data Protection In South Africa.

We currently have various tools and data protection applications that will protect the data of both, your own company and that of your clients.

If you would like one of our consultants to assist you with more information on how to go about protecting your Data please fill in the form at the end of this page.

In order to Protect Your Companies Data Acumen Technologies Offers the following:

1.A free Scan on your company domain with a full report on any existing data breaches.
2. A free report on your companies email addresses any breach information on usernames and passwords.

At a cost we also offer
1. A Company Data Protection Policy Guideline and roadmap customised to suit your business.
2 Remote management of your companies data protection billed monthly.
3. Blackfog advanced data protection inclding Dark Web intrusion and extrusion protection
4.  Axcrypt file encryption solutions

Dont lose your valuable data or that of your clients.Contact us now

We offer Data Protection In South Africa

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