
Learn how TeamViewer and Kunbus’ RevPi can help you control smart factories to stay in pace with the fourth industrial revolution.

Many years have passed since the first manufacturers implemented mass production around 1800 to achieve higher efficiency. It was the beginning of what we refer to as the “first industrial revolution” or “industry 1.0” today.

Obviously, not only that first industrial revolution had an enormous impact on how, under which circumstances and with which economic challenges and benefits products were made:

The second and third industrial revolutions introduced extensive automation, instant means of communication, and IT solutions. All of which are now essential for any company to compete in our ever so globalized world.

Industry 4.0 is sure to have at least as much of an impact – which is why TeamViewer and Kunbus collaborated to give our users a head start in transforming their businesses.

But what’s next? What does the industry 4.0 hold for us? And when does it happen?

Promises And Challenges Of The Industry 4.0

The boundaries of industry 3.0 and 4.0 are blurry and at times controversial, because both utilize digitalization to drive progress, but do so in different ways.

However, with the Internet of Things as industry 4.0’s underlying technological main engine, it is clear to see that the latest industrial revolution has already begun.

In a nutshell, it is the ongoing digitalization of previously analogue procedures through the implementation of so-called cyber-physical systems that communicate via the Internet of Things.

And what the industry 4.0 promises to achieve is tremendous:

Between 500 billion and 1.5 trillion dollars in value added to the global economy in the next five years

Higher improvement rates compared to rates since 1990 of between 7 and 12 times in criteria such as overall productivity, quality & scrap, or on-time-delivery

Highly autonomous logistic and production environments

Or easier production of highly customizable products

among others.

Of course, a comprehensive digitalization of complex procedures poses challenges, too. For a big part, these challenges consist of the monetary inputs necessary to transform an “old” factory into a smart factory:

Smart factories, in their reliance on data from various machines and environments, need to be equipped with sensors, actuators, and whole new machines to collect and react on data.

To actually benefit from it, an integrated system that allows for effective and undisturbed communication between its’ components – whether local or global –  is crucial.

And this is where TeamViewer and Kunbus hit two birds with one stone.

TeamViewer Is The Topping On Kunbus’ RevPi

New is not always better. New machines fit for a smart factory are an expensive investment and will, at large, substantially drain profitability.

The Revolution Pi, or RevPi Core, by Kunbus is an industrial controller that offers a comprehensive connectivity solution to old machines, enabling you to modernize old machines and introduce automated intelligence.

The user interface, running on a locally connected PC, then allows you to start mining data from machines.

However, several factories are often part of the same company and production chain, but dispersed around the globe. What if an operator needs real-time access to data from a machine outside of their local network’s reach?

Or what if malfunctions occur in a machine that can only be serviced by the manufacturer or a third party?

You guessed it – this is where TeamViewer comes into play.

Using the TeamViewer integration of the RevPi, operators and maintenance personnel can directly or proactively solve problems in real time, from anywhere in the world, and using any device.

By removing any roadblocks and detours in their way, the TeamViewer integration allows for the highest reactivity possible and keeping downtime to a minimum.

As always, all TeamViewer connections are protected by RSA 2048 public/private key exchange, AES (256 bit) session encryption end-to-end, and access control features, such as trusted devices or black- and whitelists.


An industrial revolution is and has always been a situation of radical change. Rather sooner than later, smart factories will be the new standard.

The RevPi Core with TeamViewer integration is the perfect tool to be smart about your factories’ transformation.

It allows you to modernize old machinery, mine and analyze the big data from these machines, and – thanks to TeamViewer – to operate and maintain them from anywhere, with any device.

All while being able to fully rely on our proven security measures.

Learn more about making factories smarter with TeamViewer!



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Craig Theobald

Acumen Technologies




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